« 小口徑無(wú)縫鋼管資源列表鋼材進(jìn)價(jià)5月來(lái)首漲 煙臺(tái)經(jīng)濟(jì)顯回暖跡象 »


碳素結(jié)構(gòu)鋼 Carbon Construction Steel
碳素工具鋼 Carbon Tool Steel
合金結(jié)構(gòu)鋼 Alloy Construction Steel
合金工具鋼 Alloy Tool Steel
高速工具鋼 High Speed Tool Steel
彈簧鋼 Spring Steel
不銹耐熱鋼 Stainless & Heat Resisting Steel
軸承鋼 Bearing Steel
工字鋼 Ibeam
普通圓鋼 Round Steel
槽鋼 Channel
扁鋼 Flat Steel Bar
等邊角鋼 Equal Angle Steel
不等邊角鋼 Unequal Angle Steelh
型鋼 Hbeam
鋼坯 Billet,Bloom
鋼筋混凝土用變形鋼筋 High Strength Deformed Steel Bar
窗框鋼 Window Sash
中厚鋼板 Steel Plate
熱軋鋼板(卷) Hot Rolled Steel Coil
冷軋鋼板(卷) Cold Rolled Steel Sheel or Coil
鍍鋅鋼板(卷) Galvanized Steel Coil
鋼帶 Steel Strip
線材 Wire Rod Coil
無(wú)縫鋼管 Seamless Steel Pipe
鍋爐管 Boiler Tube
石油套管 Pipe For Oil Field
高壓管 Pressure Pipe
高壓氣瓶用管 Tube for High-Pressure Vessel
地質(zhì)鉆探用管 Seamless Steel Pipe For Geological Drill In
鍍鋅焊管 Galvanized Welded Pipe
石油鉆探桿 Drill Pipe For Oil Field
鑄鐵管 Cast Iron Pipe
重軌 Heavy Rail
輕軌 Light Rail
煉鋼生鐵 Basic Pig Iron
鑄造生鐵 foundry Pig Iron
普通圓鋼釘 Round Nails for General Uses
鍍鋅底碳鋼絲 Galvanized Low Carbon Steel Wire.
鋼絲繩 Steel Wire Rope
鋼絞線 Stranded Wire
預(yù)應(yīng)力混凝土鋼絲 Steel Wire For Prestressed Concrete
窗紗 Window Screen
車輪 Wheel Tyre
輪篩 Wheel Circle

iron and steel industry 鋼鐵工業(yè)
ironworks 鐵廠
foundry 鑄造車間
steelworks, steel mill 鋼廠
coking plant 煉焦廠
electrometallurgy 電冶金學(xué)
powder metallurgy 粉末冶金學(xué)
blast furnace 鼓風(fēng)爐
mouth, throat 爐口
hopper, chute 料斗
stack 爐身
belly 爐腰
bosh 爐腹
crucible 爐缸
slag tap 放渣口
taphole 出鐵口,出渣口
pig bed 鑄床
mould 鑄模 (美作:mold)
tuyere, nozzle 風(fēng)口
ingot mould 錠模 (美作:ingot mold)
floor 平臺(tái)
hearth 爐底
charger 裝料機(jī)
ladle 鐵水包,鋼水包
dust catcher 除塵器
washer 洗滌塔
converter 轉(zhuǎn)爐
hoist 卷?yè)P(yáng)機(jī)
compressor 壓縮機(jī)
tilting mixer 可傾式混鐵爐
regenerator 蓄熱室
heat exchanger 熱交換器
gas purifier 煤氣凈化器
turbocompressor 渦輪壓縮機(jī)
burner 燒嘴
cupola 化鐵爐,沖天爐
emptier 排空裝置
trough 鐵水溝,排渣溝
skip 料車
rolling mill 軋機(jī),軋鋼機(jī)
blooming mill 初軋機(jī)
roller 輥
bed 底座
rolling-mill housing 軋機(jī)機(jī)架
drawbench 拔管機(jī),拉絲機(jī)
drawplate 拉模板
shaft furnace 豎爐
refining furnace 精煉爐
reverberatory furnace 反射爐
hearth furnace 床式反射爐
firebrick lining 耐火磚襯
retort 反應(yīng)罐
muffle 馬弗爐
roof, arch 爐頂
forge 鍛造
press 壓鍛
pile hammer 打樁錘
drop hammer 落錘
die 拉模
blowlamp 吹炬 (美作:blowtorch)
crusher 破碎機(jī)
iron ore 鐵礦石
coke 焦炭
bauxite 鐵釩土
alumina 鋁
cryolite 冰晶石
flux 熔劑
limestone flux 石灰石溶劑
haematite 赤鐵礦 (美作:hematite)
gangue 脈石
cast iron 鑄鐵
cast iron ingot 鑄鐵錠
slag 爐渣
soft iron 軟鐵
pig iron 生鐵
wrought iron 熟鐵
iron ingot 鐵錠
puddled iron 攪煉熟鐵
round iron 圓鐵
scrap iron 廢鐵
steel 鋼
crude steel 粗鋼
mild steel, soft steel 軟鋼,低碳鋼
hard steel 硬鋼
cast steel 坩堝鋼,鑄鋼
stainless steel 不銹鋼
electric steel 電工鋼,電爐鋼
high-speed steel 高速鋼
moulded steel 鑄鋼
refractory steel 熱強(qiáng)鋼,耐熱鋼
alloy steel 合金鋼
plate, sheet 薄板
corrugated iron 瓦垅薄鋼板
tinplate, tin 馬口鐵
finished product 成品,產(chǎn)品
semifinished product 半成品,中間產(chǎn)品
ferrous products 鐵制品
coiled sheet 帶狀薄板
bloom 初軋方坯
metal strip, metal band 鐵帶,鋼帶
billet 坯錠,鋼坯
shavings 剃邊
profiled bar 異型鋼材
shape, section 型鋼
angle iron 角鋼
frit 燒結(jié)
wire 線材
ferronickel 鎳鐵
elinvar 鎳鉻恒彈性鋼
ferrite 鐵氧體,鐵醇鹽
cementite 滲碳體,碳化鐵
pearlite 珠光體
charging, loading 裝料,爐料
fusion, melting, smelting 熔煉
remelting 再熔化,重熔
refining 精煉
casting 出鐵
to cast 出鐵
tapping 出渣,出鋼,出鐵
to insufflate, to inject 注入
heating 加熱
preheating 預(yù)熱
tempering 回火
temper 回火
hardening 淬水
annealing 退火
reduction 還原
cooling 冷卻
decarbonization, decarburization 脫碳
coking 煉焦
slagging, scorification 造渣
carburization 滲碳
case hardening 表面硬化
cementation 滲碳
fritting, sintering 燒結(jié)
puddling 攪煉
pulverization 粉化,霧化
nitriding 滲氮
alloy 合金
floatation, flotation 浮選
patternmaking 制模
moulding 成型 (美作:molding)
calcination 煅燒
amalgamation 汞齊化
rolling 軋制
drawing 拉拔
extrusion 擠壓
wiredrawing 拉絲
stamping, pressing 沖壓
die casting 拉模鑄造
forging 鍛造
turning 車削
milling 銑削
machining, tooling 加工
autogenous welding, fusion welding 氧炔焊
arc welding 電弧焊
electrolysis 電解
trimming 清理焊縫
blowhole 氣孔


Abnormal Steel 反常鋼; 非正常鋼

Aluminium-steel Cable 鋼鋁電纜

Aluminized Steel 涂鋁鋼

Aluminum Nickel Steel 鋁鎳鋼

Anchored Steel Trestle 錨固式鋼棧橋

Angle Steel Ruler 鋼角尺

Anisotropic Steel 各向異性鋼片

Anisotropy Silicon Steel 各向異性硅鋼片

Annealed Sheet Steel 退火薄鋼板

Annealed Steel 退火鋼; 韌鋼

Anti-Creeping Angle Steel 防爬角鐵

Anticorrosive Aluminium-Coated Steel Wire 防蝕鍍鋁鋼絲

Arc-Furnace Steel 電爐鋼

Arc-Welded Steel Pipe 電弧焊接鋼管

Area Of Steel 鋼筋斷面面積; 鋼筋截面面積

Area Of Structural Steel 型鋼截面積

Armco Aluminized Steel 阿姆柯滲鋁鋼

Armco Aluminized Steel 表面浸鍍鋁鋼

Armco Stabilized Steel 阿母柯穩(wěn)定化鋼

Armco Steel 阿姆柯軟鋼

Armco Steel 不硬化鋼

Austenilic Ni-Cr Stainless Steel 奧氏體鎳鉻不銹鋼

Austenitic Alloy Steel 奧氏體合金鋼

Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Steel 奧氏體鉻-鎳鋼

Austenitic Clad Steel 奧氏體復(fù)合鋼

Austenitic Heat-Resistance Steel 奧氏體耐熱鋼

Austenitic Manganese Steel 奧氏體錳鋼; 哈德菲爾德錳鋼

Austenitic Stainless Steel 奧氏體不銹鋼

Austenitic Steel 奧氏體鋼

Automatic Steel 易切削鋼

Automatic(Al) Steel 易切削鋼

Axle Shaft Steel 車軸鋼

Axle Steel 車軸鋼

Bainitic Steel 貝氏體鋼

Balanced Steel 半鎮(zhèn)靜鋼

Ball Bearing Steel Strip 滾珠軸承鋼帶

Ball Race Steel 滾珠軸承圈鋼

Ball-Bearing Steel 滾珠軸承鋼

Bamboo Steel 竹節(jié)鋼筋

Band Steel 帶鋼

Banding Steel 帶鋼; 箍鋼

Bar Steel 棒鋼; 條鋼

Basic Bessemer Steel 堿性貝氏轉(zhuǎn)爐鋼

Basic Bessemer Steel 堿性轉(zhuǎn)爐鋼

Basic Bessemer Steel Converter 堿性轉(zhuǎn)爐鋼轉(zhuǎn)爐

Basic Converter Steel 堿性轉(zhuǎn)爐鋼

Basic Electric Furnace Steel 堿性電爐鋼

Basic Open Hearth Steel 堿性平爐鋼

Battened Steel Column 雙肢鋼柱

Beam Steel Plate 大梁鋼板

Beam With Compression Steel 雙筋梁

Bearing Quality Steel 滾珠鋼

Bearing Steel 軸承鋼

Bent Steel 撓曲鋼筋

Bessemer Low Carbon Steel 酸性轉(zhuǎn)爐低碳鋼

Bessemer Mild Steel 貝色麥鋼

Bessemer Steel 貝色麥鋼; 酸性鋼

Best Plough Steel Wire 鉛淬火高強(qiáng)度鋼絲

Billet Steel 坯段鋼; 鋼坯; 短條鋼

Binary Steel 二元合金鋼

Black Mild Steel Carriage Bolt And Nut 黑鐵馬車螺絲閂

Black Mild Steel Fish Bolt And Nut 黑鐵魚尾螺絲閂

Black Mild Steel Flat Head Rivet 黑鐵扁頭鉚釘

Black Mild Steel Flat Head Tinmen Rivet 黑鐵號(hào)頭鉚釘

Black Mild Steel Hexagonal Nut 黑鐵六角螺絲帽

Black Mild Steel Pan Head Rivet 黑鐵錐頭鉚釘

Black Mild Steel Round Head Rivet 黑鐵圓頭鉚釘

Black Mild Steel Square Nut 黑鐵四方螺絲帽

Black Steel Pipe 黑鋼板

Black Steel Sheet 黑鋼皮

Black Tin Steel 黑鋼板

Blister Steel 泡鋼; 泡面鋼

Abnormal Structure Steel 反常組織鋼

Abrasion-Resistant Steel 耐磨鋼

Blue Steel 藍(lán)鋼

Bluing Of Steel 鋼加藍(lán)

Boiler Steel 鍋爐鋼; 鍋爐鋼板

Boiler Steel Plate 鍋爐鋼板

Boiling Steel 沸騰鋼

Bolting Steel 螺栓鋼

Blue Planished Steel 發(fā)藍(lán)薄鋼板

Bloom Steel 初軋鋼; 鋼坯

Boron Steel 硼鋼

Brass Fitting Of Steel Window 鋼窗銅配件

Brass-Plated Mild Steel Round Bead Wood Screw 鍍黃銅圓頭軟鋼木螺絲

Brass-Plated Mild Steel Round Head Machine Screw 鍍黃銅圓頭軟鋼機(jī)器螺絲

Brass-Plated Steel Wire 鍍黃銅鋼絲

Brearley Steel 布里阿雷不銹鋼; 布氏高鉻鋼

Bridge Steel 橋梁鋼

Bright And Black Mild Steel Flat Head Tinmen Rivet 號(hào)頭鉚釘

Bright Mild Steel Cotter Pin 光亮軟鋼開尾銷

Bright Mild Steel Countersunk Head Wood Screw 光亮軟鋼平頭木螺絲

Bright Mild Steel Hexagonal Nut 光亮軟鋼六角螺絲帽

Bright Mild Steel Hexagonal Nuts 六角光螺帽; 六角螺絲帽

Bright Mild Steel Hexagonal Pressed Nut 光亮軟鋼六角沖壓螺絲帽

Bright Mild Steel Round Head Wood Screw 光亮軟鋼圓頭木螺絲

Bright-Drawn Free Cutting Steel 光拉自由切削鋼

Bright-Drawn Steel 光亮拉拔鋼材

Bright-Finished Steel 光亮精整鋼

Bristol Steel Belt Lacing 布瑞斯?jié)搸Ы宇^

Bronze Steel 鍍青銅鋼

Building Of Steel Frame Construction 鋼框架房屋

Bulb Steel 球扁鋼

Bulb-Rail Steel 球頭丁字鋼

Burned Steel 過(guò)燒鋼

Calorized Steel 涂鋁鋼; 滲化鋼

Calorizing Steel 鋁化鋼

Capped Steel 加蓋鋼; 半鎮(zhèn)靜鋼

Carbon And Low-Alloy Steel Vessels 碳鋼及低合金鋼容器

Carbon Content Of Steel 鋼含碳量

Carbon Molybdenum Steel 鉬碳鋼

Carbon Steel 碳鋼; 碳素鋼

Carbon Steel Covered Electrode 碳鋼焊條

Carbon Steel Plate 碳素鋼板; 碳素鋼板和型材

Carbon Tool Steel 碳工具鋼; 碳素工具鋼

Carbon-Containing Alloy Steel 含碳合金鋼

Carbon-Free Stainless Steel 無(wú)碳不銹鋼

Carbon-Free Steel 無(wú)碳鋼

Carburizing Steel 碳鋼

Case-Hardened Steel 表面滲碳硬化鋼; 滲碳鋼

Bolts & Nuts For Steel Slotted 角鋼螺絲

Cast Alloy Steel Piston 合金鑄鋼活塞

Cast Iron Electrode With Steel Core 鋼芯鑄鐵焊條

Cast Stainless Steel 鑄造不銹鋼

Cast Steel 鑄鋼件

Cast Steel Plate 鑄鋼板

Cast(Carbon) Steel 鑄鋼

Cast-In Steel Bush 鑄入鋼套

Casement Section Steel 窗框鋼

Cast-Steel 鑄鋼

Cast-Steel Crossing 鑄鋼轍叉

Cast-Steel Pipe 鑄鋼管

Cast-Steel Separator 鑄鋼隔板; 鑄鋼橫梁

Cast-Steel Shot 鋼砂

Cast-Steel Yoke 鑄鋼軛

Cellular Steel Floor 格型鋼樓板

Cement-And-Grouted Steel Bolt 鋼筋砂漿錨桿

Cemented Steel 表面硬化鋼

Cemented Templet Steel 滲碳樣板鋼

Centra Steel 球狀石墨鑄鋼

Centrifugal Steel 離心鑄鋼

Centrifuge(D) Steel 離心鑄造鋼

Channel Steel 槽鋼

Channel-Section Steel 槽形鋼

Channeled-Steel Wheel Rim 槽鋼制輪輞

Checkered Steel Plate 花紋鋼板

Chemical Capped Steel 化學(xué)封頂鋼

Chilled Cast Steel 冷硬鑄鋼

Chilled Hardened Steel 淬火鋼

Chilled Steel 淬火鋼; 淬硬鋼

Chisel Steel 鑿鋼; 鑿子鋼

Chrome Hardened Steel 鉻硬化鋼

Chrome Steel 鉻鋼

Chrome-Carbon Steel 鉻碳鋼

Chrome-Manganese Nitrogen Steel 鉻錳氮鋼

Chrome-Manganese-Silicon Alloy Steel 鉻錳硅合金鋼

Chrome-Molybdenum Steel 鉻鉬鋼

Chrome-Nickel Steel 鉻鎳鋼

Chrome-Plated Steel Nozzle 鍍鉻鋼噴管

Chrome-Silicon Steel 鉻硅鋼

Chrome-Tungsten Steel 鉻鎢鋼

Chrome-Vanadium Steel 鉻釩鋼

Chromemanganese Steel 鉻錳鋼

Chromium Nickel Steel 高強(qiáng)度耐蝕鉻鎳鋼

Chromium Stainless Steel 鉻不銹鋼

Chromium Steel 鉻鋼

Chromium-Molybdenum Steel 鉻鉬鋼

Chromium-Nickel Steel 鉻鎳鋼

Chromium-Plated Mild Steel Animal Chain 鍍鉻軟鋼動(dòng)物鏈條

Chromium-Tungstenvanadium Steel 鉻鎢釩鋼

Chromiummanganese Steel 鉻錳鋼

Chromiumnickel Austenite Stainless Steel 鉻鎳奧氏體不銹鋼

Chromiumplated Thin-Walled Steel Cylinder Liner 鋼質(zhì)薄壁鍍鉻汽缸襯套

Chromized Steel 滲鉻鋼

Circular Steel Support 環(huán)形金屬支架

Clad Sheet Steel 包層薄鋼板

Clad Steel 包層鋼; 雙層鋼; 雙金屬鋼

Clad Steel Plate 復(fù)合鋼板

Cladding Steel 包覆鋼

Cladding Steel Sheet 復(fù)合鋼板

Clean Steel 純凈鋼; 潔凈鋼

Closed Die Steel 閉鍛模鋼

Coarse-Grained Steel 粗晶粒鋼

Coated Steel 鍍層鋼板

Coating Steel Pipe 鍍鋅鋼管

Cobalt High Speed Steel 鈷高速鋼

Cobalt-Chromium Steel 鈷鉻鋼

Coiled Steel 成卷帶鋼

Cold Forging Steel 冷鍛鋼

Cold Pressed Steel 冷壓鋼

Cold Reduced Steel 馬口鐵卷板

Cold Rolled Ribbed Steel Bar 冷軋竹節(jié)鋼筋

Cold Rolled Sheet Steel 冷軋薄鋼板

Cold Twisted Steel Bar 冷扭鋼筋

Cold-Banded Steel Pipe 冷箍鋼管

Cold-Drawn Steel 冷拔鋼; 冷拉鋼

Cold-Drawn Steel Pipe 冷拉鋼管

Cold-Drawn Steel Tube 冷拉鋼管

Cold-Finished Steel 冷加工精整鋼

Cold-Pressed Sheet Steel 冷壓薄鋼板

Cold-Pressed Steel Plate 冷壓鋼板

Cold-Pressing Quality Steel 冷彎鋼

Cold-Roll Steel Sheets 冷軋鋼板

Cold-Rolled (Cold Rolled) Steel 冷軋鋼

Cold-Rolled Carbon Spring Steel 冷軋彈簧碳鋼

Cold-Rolled Carbon Steel 冷軸碳鋼

Cold-Rolled Steel Strip 冷軋帶鋼

Cold-Shaping Steel 冷變形鋼

Cold-Short Steel 冷脆鋼

Cold-Steel 利器

Cold-Strip Steel 冷軋帶鋼

Cold-Strip Steel Rolling Mill 冷軋帶鋼機(jī); 帶鋼冷軋機(jī)

Cold-Worked Steel 冷作鋼

Cold-Working Steel 冷作鋼

Coldshort Steel 冷脆鋼

Color Stainless Steel 彩色不銹鋼

Colored Stainless Steel 彩色不銹鋼

Column With Steel Hooping 螺旋箍筋柱

Combined Steel And Concrete Column 鋼骨混凝土柱

Comminuted Steel Shot 鋼粉

Common Straight Carbon Steel 普通碳素鋼

Complex Alloy Steel 多元合金鋼; 合金鋼

Complex Steel 多元合金鋼; 合金鋼

Composite Iron And Steel 包鋼鐵

Composite Steel 復(fù)層鋼; 復(fù)合鋼; 多層鋼; 雙層鋼

Composite Steel Bridge 復(fù)合鋼橋

Composite Steel Concrete Column 勁性混凝土柱

Compound Steel 三層鋼

Compressed Asbestos Fibre Ointing With Steel Wire 進(jìn)排氣夾金屬絲網(wǎng)橡膠石棉板

Compressed Steel 壓鋼

Concrete Steel 鋼筋鋼; 勁性鋼筋

Concrete-Reinforcing Steel 混凝土加固用鋼筋

Cast-In Steel Pipe 鑄入鋼管

Construction Steel 構(gòu)造鋼

Construction(Al) Steel 結(jié)構(gòu)鋼; 建筑鋼

Constructional Alloy Steel 合金結(jié)構(gòu)鋼

Constructional Steel 構(gòu)造鋼

Constructional Steel Bar 構(gòu)造鋼筋

Converter Steel 轉(zhuǎn)爐鋼

Cooler-Plated Steel 加蓋沸騰鋼

Conical Steel Body 錐形鋼體

Cope In Steel Beam 鋼梁的頂層

Copper Alloy Steel 銅合金鋼

Copper Bearing Steel 含銅鋼; 銅鋼

Copper Clad Steel 包銅鋼

Copper Clad Steel Conductor 包銅鋼絲

Copper Clad Steel Wire 銅包鋼線

Copper Coated Mild Steel Wire 鍍銅軟鋼絲

Copper Coated Stainless Steel Wire 鍍銅不銹鋼絲

Copper Containing Steel 含銅鋼

Copper Covered Steel Conductor 銅包鋼線

Copper Plated Steel 鍍銅鋼板

Copper Steel 銅鋼

Copper-Clad Steel Conductor 銅包鋼線; 銅包鋼線

Copper-Clad Steel Wire 包銅鋼絲

Copperclad Steel Wire 銅包鋼線

Coppered Steel Wire 鍍銅鋼絲

Copperplated Steel 包銅鋼板

Core Properties Of Case Hardened Steel 表面熱處理后鋼中心的性質(zhì)

Cored Steel 中空鋼

Corrosion Of Steel 鋼材腐蝕

Corrosion Resistant Steel 抗腐蝕鋼

Corrosion Resisting Steel 耐蝕鋼

Corrugate Steel 竹節(jié)鋼筋

Corrugated Roof Steel 瓦楞屋面鋼板; 波紋屋面鋼

Corrugated Sheet Steel 波形鋼板

Corrugated Square Steel Bar 方竹節(jié)鋼條

Corrugated Steel 波紋鋼; 波紋鋼板

Corrugated Steel Sheet 瓦垅鋼板

Creep-Resistant Steel 耐蠕變鋼

Crucible Cast Steel (用坩堝煉制的高級(jí)鑄鋼) 坩堝鋼

Crucible Steel 坩堝鋼

Crucible-Cast Steel 坩堝鑄鋼

Crude Steel 粗鋼

Crushed Steel 碎鋼粉

Cryogenic Steel 低溫用鋼

Cultivator Steel 中耕機(jī)鋤鏟; 耕耘機(jī)鋤鏟

Cupric Cemented Steel 滲銅鋼

Cutlery Stainless Steel 刀具用不銹鋼

Cutlery Steel 刀具鋼; 刃具鋼

Cutlery-Type Stainless Steel 刀具不銹鋼

Cutting Tool Steel 刃具鋼

Cutting-Tool Steel 切削工具鋼

Cyanided Steel 氰化鋼

Damascus Steel 大馬士革鋼

Damask Steel 大馬士革鋼

Dead Mild Steel 超低碳鋼; 極軟碳鋼

Dead Setting Steel 脫氧鋼

Dead Soft Steel 極軟碳鋼

Dead Steel 全鎮(zhèn)靜鋼; 軟鋼; 不能熱處理鋼

Dead-Hard Steel 高強(qiáng)度鋼; 高強(qiáng)鋼; 高硬鋼

Dead-Melted Steel 全脫氧鋼

Deck-Girder Steel Dam 板梁式鋼壩

Deep Punching Steel 深沖鋼

Deep-Drawing Steel 深拉鋼

Deformed Channel Steel 異型槽鋼

Deformed Flat Steel 異型扁鋼

Deformed Ore-Stressed Concrete Steel Wire 預(yù)應(yīng)力混凝土異形鋼絲

Deformed Round Steel Bar 圓竹節(jié)鋼筋

Deformed Steel Bar 周期斷面鋼材

Deformed Steel Bars 螺紋鋼

Degasified Steel 除氣鋼

Deoxidized Steel 脫氧鋼

Deposit Steel 熔敷鋼

Derrick Type Steel Tapes 架式鋼卷尺

Design Of Steel Structure 鋼結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì)

Diaphragm Steel (含34%Si) 電話薄膜鋼

Die Steel 模具鋼

Direct Steel Process 直接煉鋼法; 一步煉鋼法

Directional Silicon Steel 各向異性硅鋼

Directional Silicon Steel Strip 各向異性硅鋼片

Dirty Steel 不潔鋼

Distributed Steel 配筋

Distribution Steel 分布鋼筋

Door Lock With Stainless Steel Knob 不銹鋼球型房門鎖

Double Period Section Steel 復(fù)合周期斷面鋼材

Double-Alloy Steel 二元合金鋼

Dowel Steel 傳力桿; 合縫鋼條

Drawing Steel 冷拉鋼

Drawn Steel 拔制鋼; 拉制鋼; 冷拉鋼

Dressing Of Steel Ingots 鋼錠的整修

Drill And Steel Wire Gage 鉆徑及鋼絲規(guī)

Drill Steel 鉆鋼; 鉆頭鋼

Drilling Steel 鋼釬

Drop Forged Steel Bench Vice 鍛鋼臺(tái)虎鉗

Dry Steel 低級(jí)鋼

Ducol Steel 低錳結(jié)構(gòu)鋼

Ductile Steel 韌性鋼

Cooperation Of Concrete And Steel 混凝土與鋼筋的聯(lián)合作用





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